The epicVerb reverberation device aims at both: Tight small room and ambience effect simulation well suited to modern drum and vocal productions up to large “epic” halls as known from high quality outboard gear. This reverbs sound ranges from rather concrete or even edgy up to smooth, transparent and artifact free reverb tails. It is designed for maximum flexibility and usability and to
The epicVerb reverberation device aims at both: Tight small rooms and ambiences well suited to modern drum and vocal productions up to large “epic” halls as known from high quality outboard gear. epicVerb is a reverb plug-in that aims at both tight small room and ambience effect simulation, well suited to modern drum and vocal productions, up to large "epic" halls as found in high quality outboard gear. This reverb's sound ranges from rather concrete or even edgy up to smooth, transparent and artifact free reverb tails. Download Epic Pen - Draw ink in any virtual environment, whether it's another program, the Start menu or the desktop, make annotations, and highlight important areas Jan 27, 2010 · epicVerb is a reverb plug-in that aims at both tight small room and ambience effect simulation, well suited to modern drum and vocal productions, up to large "epic" halls as found in high quality outboard gear. This reverb's sound ranges from rather concrete or even edgy up to smooth, transparent and artifact free reverb tails. “The “epicVerb” reverberation device aims at both: Tight small room and ambience effect simulation well suited to modern drum and vocal productions up to large “epic” halls as known from high quality outboard gear. This reverbs sound ranges from rather concrete or even edgy up to smooth, transparent and artifact free reverb tails.
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